News ID: 1585
Publish Date : 08 January 2018 - 09:15

Government Bullies Hybrid Cars

Reopening of vehicle import registration website was along with new set of vehicle import tariffs release. Worst news stormed hybrid car segment, with increase in tariffs up to 45 percent. Such increment can negatively affect the concept of hybrid cars in the near future of Iran’s car market, the way that major drop in sales would be the smallest anxiety.
KhodroCar – Hybrid cars are yet in their infant ages in Iran car market. Iran car market would even be barren of any kinds of intelligence regarding hybrid cars if it was not because of those one or two hybrid car importer companies. Recently some people from government justified the reason of great rise in hybrid car import tariffs as their internal combustion fossil fuel engine are rather massive in volume and they are still the main source of energy used to propel the car, so they are not as effective in reduction of emission levels and as efficient as imagined.

Needless to say, such nonscientific monologue is nothing but to justify the great rise in import tariffs of hybrid cars. Throughout a sublime study, it is easily understood that hybrid cars use fuel and produce emission gases as much as two times less than their ordinary gas engine variants, just by using an electric motor as a second source of propellant, which is astonishing.

"First, we must study the criterion of the government to understand what it is, that they are comparing hybrid cars emissions with. Practical and solid tests show that hybrids use less fuel and emit less harmful gases in comparison to their fossil fuels propelled variants, just by using another propellant source of energy, an electric motor, instead of increasing the engine displacement. Though they use less fuel and as a result, they emit less gases.” Said Javad Nafari, an expert in the field of hybrid vehicles.

"Hybrid cars use hi tech, low emission direct injection engines that consume more than 20 percent less fuel that their MPI predecessors along with a lot of other electrified devices and parts. Whenever the amount of consumed fuel is dropped, it is actually followed by drop in levels of harmful emission gases. Therefore the description given to hybrids to justify the increment in import tariffs are not science based and professional. Such description is nothing but to question all the efforts and investments done by worlds’ top car makers to develop the idea of clean vehicles.” Added Nafari.

The expert complained about the tariffs increment and said: "the increment is applied on hybrids with 1.5L to 2.0L of fossil fuel engine displacement while they are the bestselling and the most appropriate segment of hybrid cars for import. Any other hybrid car with fossil fuel engine displacement below 1.5 liter is not interesting and adequate for Iran car market. First degree countries around the globe walk toward clean energy vehicles fast as they can. At the same time Iran is not only far behind the global program yet it is running in the opposite direction with setting import tariffs such high.”

"The tariffs needs to be revised. It was better if the government set a meeting with communities and car importers well aware of hybrid car segments just to exchange technical details before setting tariffs. Hybrids must be excluded from this attitude. They must not be compared to fossil fuel engine cars in tariff determinations just because they also use a specific displacement fossil fuel engine. Other crucial factors such as fuel consumption and level of toxic emissions must be included as the main factors while setting tariffs.” Added Javad Nafari.

Apparently the government has no idea about the complexity in function and performance of hybrid cars. They still believe that the fossil fuel engine displacement is the main criterion and standard to determine the emission levels and fuel consumption of an internal combustion engine. The method simply questions other top global car maker’s figures and numbers obtained from various complicated tests. Tests that proved and led to results in making clean energy and hybrid cars, over and over again.

KhodroCar Journalist and Translator: Mostafa Anisi